Friday, July 18, 2008

This Time Next Week!

This time next week I will be far above the Atlantic, most likely under the influence of Tylenol PM or some other sedative, ten hours from landing in South Africa. And of course, right now, I am plagued with excitement, joy, fear, anticipation, anxiety, and a little confusion with so many emotions pulsing through my head - but I know, despite the emotional roller coaster, its all going to be OK.

So, last week I quit my job, shoved all my belongings into my little Honda Civic, said goodbye to my beloved friends, and drove back home to Ventura where I sit now, still a little dazed. I'd like to say that I've been busy doing all the things I have ever wanted to do here at home, but the reality is that I've been laying around, watching TV, and rolling around on the floor with my dogs. Its all I really wanted to do right now. But, in between watching movies with my mom and going to the beach with my dog, I have managed to pack all my gear, finish all my shopping, and read all the pre-orientation PC materials. Just enough that I don't feel too entirely unproductive.

My last few days here are going to be amazing. LeeAnn is coming up to Ventura on Saturday and will be here till I take off. I feel so comforted by the fact that I'll get to spend my last days with her in the states - I'm really looking forward to her arrival. Then the same day my parents are throwing me a going away party with all our family and friends - a definite source of entertainment and joy! Then I have a few days to center and calm myself till Tuesday 11:50 pm - my departure time from LAX. I'll fly to Chicago and then to D.C. where I'll have three days of training and uber-vaccinations. Then on the 29th we take off on our 17 hour plane ride to South Africa - only to get back on the plane again to fly to Lusaka, our ultimate destination in Zambia. And like I said, my head is spinning in anticipation, excitement, anxiety, and...well, you know.


MacX2 said...

So we are waiting in anticipation for the next update Ryan.How many vaccinations did you receive and how is the ol' arm?

Chelsea Keating said...

I miss you Ryan. I hope you know that you've become the idol of a number of people around town. What you're doing in Africa right now is so honorable, and it takes a person just like you to prove that young people like us can really reach out. I'm proud of you ryan!! I LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!!!

Oh and the update on the homefront:
There was a freak thunder and lightening storm here last night and It poured like a mo-fo; I'm leaving to go to the cruz for the weekend to move some stuff in; mom and dad are drinking with howard and cathy in mammoth; I got a parking ticket last night; and mom finally took the dogs off of their diet...
FATTY PUGS they shall be again!!!

love you ryan!!!!!